Top Five North American Holiday Destinations

America is a holiday makers' paradise. From the Rockie Mountains running like a spine through the continent to the deserts of Arizona and California, America caters for every taste from active holidays to sun holidays, shopping sprees to family fun. Whatever the choice - whether a short city break or mountain climbing - remember that a holiday insurance package can be found that will offer security and value. 

In a land that offers so much by way of contrast and experience, choosing the top five holiday destinations presents a challenge. Adding shopping, history, fun, sun and scenery into the mix helps to narrow the field. 

1. New York
The Big A is the melting pot of the world, and is also a wonder of the world. Visit the iconic National September 11 Memorial and museum which draws crowds of curious visitors and yet is still imbued with a haunting sense of shock and loss. Contrast that with the raucous blaring of taxi horns, the vendors selling everything from designer knockoffs to food, the dizzying choice of shopping experiences, helicopter rides and ferry trips, skyscrapers and narrow Greenwich Village streets - New York is without a doubt the most exciting venue in North America. 

2. Orlando, Florida
No list of the best North American destinations can exclude Orlando, Florida. A family holiday of choice, Disney World offers days of family-friendly activities. And when you are all 'Disneyed' out, there's Orlando - the 'City Beautiful' as it's called - still to explore and enjoy. 

3. Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon
The contrast between Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon couldn't be greater. Las Vegas is brash, busy and full of brassy life. The Grand Canyon on the other hand is arguably the most beautiful place on earth. Hauntingly powerful and majestic, once seen it will stay in your memory forever. Combining a visit to the two venues feeds all of the senses in one memorable holiday, and that can't be bad! 

4. California
The West Coast of the United States must be experienced to be believed. The ambience, the culture and the attitude to life in the westerly State of Californian are starkly different from the energy and bustle of the East Coast. Starting in Los Angeles visit Hollywood and Rodeo Drive just for sheer curiosity value. A coastal tour from Los Angeles to San Francisco offers scenery of incredible beauty or combine your visit to LA with a drive into the wild heat of the Mojave desert. 

5. Washington DC
The last of the top five destinations in North America is the nation's capital, Washington DC. The magnificent White House is the centrepiece of DC, a lush eighteenth century mansion and home to the President of the United States. However DC has more to offer than it's admittedly beautiful architecture and national monuments. A stroll through historic Georgetown on the waterfront will satisfy even the most discerning of shoppers while the Smithsonian Institution offers the biggest museum in the world. Washington DC also acts as the gateway to the pretty State of Virginia, giving access to famous places such as Arlington Cemetery where the late President Kennedy is buried or Mount Vernon, the beautifully preserved home of George Washington.

James works in SEO for a prestigious marketing company in the UK. With years of experience in copywriting he enjoys writing about travel, insurance, finance and health.

1 comment:

  1. The best one is the middle one "Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon"
    It is the most amazing place on the earth and one of the most exciting place, a dream destination for anyone who is planning for a holiday in North America.

    Thanks Rob for sharing the post!
