Best Cold Destinations To Escape Summer Heat

Not everyone enjoys hot weather. Summer can sometimes bring in weather so hot, that even air conditioning seems inadequate. If you are fed up with heat, humidity, and prickly heat, there are a number of places in the world that offer a respite from sweltering temperatures. Getting away from summer highs has long been a practice with humanity. Romans escaped the heat of Rome during the summer by fleeing to their villas, especially those along the coast. There are a number of options, worldwide, to let you cool off when the heat has gotten you down.
  • You can hardly go wrong if you travel to Finland. This country in Scandinavia has summer temperatures that seldom go above the 60s or 70s. Finland is a country of lakes and forests, and gives you not only pleasant temperatures, but also beautiful scenery. Nearly anywhere in Finland will provide you with an escape from the heat, and accommodations are available in every city and town.
  • For those who really hate the heat, a trip to Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska will certainly cool you off quickly. Glaciers offer natural air conditioning that keeps the temperatures in the park in the 50s and 60s all summer long. The Glacier Bay Lodge and other hostelries in nearly Gustavus let you enjoy your trip in comfort. Camping is also available at the park from June through September.
  • While the Northern Hemisphere swelters during June through September, the Southern Hemisphere is enjoying its winter. South America is home to a variety of climates, and one place to cool off, and even ski in summer, is in Chile. There are plenty of great places to ski in Chile, including Valle Nevado, Portillo, Pucon, and Termes de Chillan. These offer slopes, lodging, restaurants, and instruction.
  • If you would like to spend at least part of the summer in a cool city, travel to Auckland, New Zealand. World class lodgings, dining, and shopping are all available in Auckland, and exploring the surrounding areas, rich in wildlife and history, is especially enjoyable when the temperatures never get above 74. Sailing and tours to meet marine animals are also available.
  • The Alps in Central Europe are not only picturesque, but they are also cool during the summer months. While we generally associate the Alps with Switzerland, they also run through parts of Italy, France, and Germany. Because of the elevation of the mountains, the temperatures seldom rise above 70, making these mountains the idea getaway for those who are ready to escape sweltering heat.
The world is such a big place that getting away from an uncomfortable summer isn’t too difficult wherever you are. When the ‘dog days’ of August have begun to get you down, pack up your bag, make your reservations, and spend some time in a cold summer vacation destination.  Being humans, we are never satisfied – in the winter, we seek hot destinations and in the summer we go somewhere cool, so why not make an adventure out of it!

Noc enjoys writing about travel and technology and uses Travel Advantage Network for summer and winter retreats.

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